
Got a Right Wagging Tail?
February, 2008

Table of Contents:

1. Dean's Welcome Notes
2. Got a Right Wagging Tail?
3. Resources For You and Your Pets
4. Tips On Advertising Your Business
5. Notes For This Month

1. Dean's Welcome Notes

Greetings everyone!

This newsletter contains a little something for everyone - the weird dog tail wagging phenomenon, tips on increasing the bottom line for your breeder business, a bit about links and websites, and some news for our current advertisers.

As always, here at and we value your opinions - please feel free to suggest an interesting newsletter topic - we may just feature you in our next one!

2. Got a Right Wagging Tail?

We all know that when a dog wags its tail, it means that they're happy - right?
Well - not exactly!

Did you know that if your dog's tail wags more to the right than to the left, it means that they're happy? And if it wags more to the left, it means that they are fearful or have a negative feeling about something. This phenomenon is known as emotional asymmetry.

Many animals have asymmetric responses to things, according to an article by Sandra Blakeslee in the International Herald Tribune. Baby chicks, sheep, bees, chimps, and toads are just some of the animals with particular left or right brain repsonses. Read the entire article.

And from now on, watch those tails!

3. Resources For You and Your Pets

Growing Your Bottom Line

I continue to receive inquiries about NuVet pet food supplements and Flint River Ranch pet foods. These are both extremely high quality products that offer dog and cat breeders excellent opportunities to provide superior nutrition to your customers' pets without the burden of paper work, stocking and delivering products, etc. Plus, both programs pay very generous commissions. These are truly win-win opportunities for you to create another profit center with your breeding business. The pet wins, the pet owner wins and you win. For more details on each of these outstanding products see:

NuVet food supplements and Flint River Ranch pet foods

4. Tips On Advertising Your Business

Got a website?

Links are a great way to increase the exposure of your website on the internet. If you already have a website, consider putting a link to or on one of your website's pages.

Are you one of our current advertisers? If so - you would be linking back to the site where your ad(s) resides, and then it's another great free marketing tool for your business! And, if you don't have a website yet, consider that we offer a free 25 page website with a Full-Year Advantage Membership. It might be just the time to upgrade. Please do contact us if you'd like more information.

5. Notes For This Month

As of March 1, 2008, we have a couple of minor policy changes. These are for picture changes in the Breeder Directory pages, and for changing a breed in your ads. Please see complete information on the Modify / Placing New Listings page.

The Breeder Directory pages are highly optimized for the search engines, so we need to carefully choose the text used for links to your ads. These paragraphs are created by us using information from your ad and, if available, your website. Just like the photos, these are designed to get potential buyers interested in clicking over to your actual ad. We do not make changes to these unless you find something inaccurate or objectionable. In that case, you may submit by email to us whatever you find objectionable and we may delete it. You may also submit by email to us what you would like to see there. However, we reserve the right to edit it in order to conform to our site optimization needs. Such changes are made as time allows.

Until next time,

Dean Hamill

How are we doing?

If you need to call us, please do so at:

Main office in Oregon, Kim - (541) 997-0131

Ads Manager in Oklahoma, Linda - (405) 634-7551

We'd be pleased to hear from you. Are there questions you'd like to have answered in this newsletter? How about sharing a great advertising tip with our readers?

We are passionate about our business and always appreciate referrals.
Please share or forward this to friends, colleagues, and animal lovers.

Published by:
Dean Hamill
From: and and
5897 Canary Road
Westlake, OR 97493
(541) 997-0131

Copyright (©) 2008. All Rights Reserved.

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